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Great post. It's alarming and indicative of the decay of the healthcare system, at least here in the USA, that drugs are being promoted instead of fundamental, systematic solutions. Just take the magic pill and don't think about your actions.

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Hi Scooby my name is Trevor. I am a 58 yr old with cancer diagnosis one yr ago

You have been a great inspiration for me but I have many questions re diet, exercise, etc. I would love to set up a zoom or something similar to pick your brain ....if you care to do this, how can we get in touch.

Thanks Scooby

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I don't think anyone realizes how this drug works. It essentially paralyzes digestion, leaving food to rot into your bloodstream.

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I'm guessing it will become cheaper over time, but there is always some kind of price to pay regarding the side-effects. Everything has a price and I think this will be no different (unless this is a first)

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