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Thank you Scooby i have been a fan of yours for years. This is what i am looking at:

The same investment banks that were scaring everybody in 2022 telling people to go into bonds (look at what all markets have done since) now they say that they are bullish, encouraing people to buy.

There is probably a distribution phase going on where all the whales are starting to unload their stuff to retail. The liquidity cycle ends in mid-late 2025 (listen to Michael Howell from Crossborder Capital), and considering how many elections have been anticipated to 2024 or early 2025 i am very worried that some event is planned to crash down the market hard within a year.

As for bitcoin the usdt dominance support (what has indicated bitcoin tops for the las 5 years) seems to have been broken this morning. We are in new territory. There is no telling how high the wave of insanity will take it this time, only the old saying applies 'when your barber starts telling you about bitcoin you better run'

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Thanks Scooby, long time fan including when you signed my weight plate in Southbank, London about 10 years ago! Loving this Substack, especially your content on personal finance. Thanks for posting.

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Hi!! That was the most creative signing idea! :)

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Amazing post!! So grateful for your content 🙌

Will you be posting your exit strategy? And/or will you tell us if and when you sell your stocks or crypto?

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I will let you know when I am exiting and how

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I had to do a double take when I saw an update from Scooby's Substack.

Out of curiosity, do you think that investing monthly into something such as a ROTH IRA can be a viable option here or is dollar cost averaging that much better? My idea has been to invest into that monthly to help some of my savings grow to help with a down-payment for a house in the future, as I'm moving quite a bit for school/work still and will most likely be doing so until around 2028-2029. I don't have the funds yet to afford a house or rental property, in addition to the fact that I still have to move around states even to were managing a property by myself would be difficult (Plus I ideally want to get a house for myself before I look into rental properties).

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No reason you cannot do both in one maneuver. A Roth is self-directed so you can put the money in anything you want including VOO. That money you put into your Roth every month can be immediately put in something like VOO

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Scooby, do you think investing in real estate, and the "real estate progression" you laid out in one of your YT videos makes sense if the rent you can get doesn't cover the monthly expenses (mortgage, taxes, maintenance, insurance)?

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In the 30 years I have been into rental properties, the rent has never covered my expenses with one single exception - pandemic 2021 when interest rates were 2.5%. My first property purchased in 1985 with 12% interest had a HUGE negative when I started renting it out. You have to do a spreadsheet with your estimation of what housing appreciation will do in order to see if its worth the negative cashflow or not.

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Thanks, Scooby. I appreciate having access to your advice again.

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Thank you, Scooby, for the great text. I’ve had similar ideas, and it’s nice to see them coming from you. One difference is that I will probably not sell a bunch in 5 years. My understanding is that the market only goes up over time (with long enough time) and “time in the market beats timing the market”. But I haven’t gone through one of those horrible stock market crisis yet, so I may get burned. Anyways, thank you for pointing out this silver lining, let’s enjoy this crazy deregulation ride upwards!

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It depends on how extensive the dismantling of the stock market and banking regulations actually turns out to be. If it is an extensive dismantling like I suspect then a 1929 style crash is not out of the question and a crash like that could take decades to recover from. All those regulations were put in place after market crashes to prevent future crashes so removing them opens us up again.

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This is exactly my plan as well. While I wish the election was different, might as well try to make some money while these guys rob workers blind. I'm 34 and live in CA with no chance of buying a house here any time soon. Got a stable job that pays pretty well but even then the housing market is so insane I won't be able to afford one for at least a while. Hopefully these next 4 years will at least help me financially even if it ends up screwing over the rest of the country.

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Doing dollar cost averaging in the stock market is the way to go for you! Scrimp, save, and put in that monthly contribution. If you dont have to be in the office 5 days a week then remember there are some places in California where you could commute from where housing is affordable.

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Hey Scooby, what do you think of having small amounts of leverage when your young in the stock market. There was a paper saying having some leverage when you are in your 20s is beneficial. Holding 2x of S&P500 such as (SSO)

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I do not understand SSO but I do know that over the last 5 years it has tripled in value compared to the S&P500 which has doubled. To me, that means SSO carries more risk. Again, I know nothing about SSO but in general, the more return, the more the risk.

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